21AUG20 - Tattoo Series 1 - Contax T2_Portra 400_014.jpg



What motivated you to get tattooed in the first place?

  • mainly my friends who already had them (thanks kaye & ro)! But also the fact that there wasn't any barriers to stop me from getting them such as misconceptions or lack of representation of tattoos on skintones similar to mine so i'm definitely privileged in that sense.

How many tattoos do you currently have?

  • 18! but if my mom asks the answer is 5 and i am not planning to get anymore lol.

What was your first tattoo and why did you select it?

  • the heart that says “me” in it by @manca_. i saw something similar on instagram and thought it was funny. i was actually thinking it would be my first and only one but i got hooked as one usually does.


Which one of your tattoos would you say is your favourite?

  • ooo that changes everyday but lately i'm REALLY feeling the globe melting his face by @derrickfast.

What artist(s) would you like to get tattooed by?

What do you like about the particular style(s) of tattoos that you've chosen to get done?

  • i like the thick bold lines a lot but i find that the style i like has started to change and i'm wanting a bunch of different styles on me.

Contax T2 / Portra 400.